The oldest method of extracting grain from the ear is threshing the cut grain with flails. This work was very demanding, both physically and in terms of time. Therefore, many inventors have attempted to build machines for threshing grain - threshing machines.

In our exhibition you can see machines ranging from the oldest hand-operated flail threshing machines, through reaper threshers with different types of threshing gears to large cleaning threshers.

A threshing machine of unusual appearance and construction - the Semerád nonshaking threshing machine - is worth attention. This machine is interesting not only for its appearance, but also for the history that is attached to it.

In the exhibition of threshing machines you can see a sample of the assembly of a threshing machine and a press. You can easily imagine how such a set-up worked.

Translated with (free version)

Entrance fees

děti z dětských domovů, SOS vesniček, FOD;

držitelé průkazů ZP, ZTP nebo ZTP/P (všechny skupiny včetně doprovodu 1 osoby);

držitelé průkazů ITIC, AMG, ICOM, ICOMOS, Národního archivu, Svazu muzeí na Slovensku;

držitelé volných vstupenek NZM jednorázových/celoročních;

držitelé Průkazu válečného veterána.

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