Opening hours

6. 1. – 23. 12. Tue–Sun 9:00–17:00

Entrance fees

adult 200 CZK
children up to 18 years free admission
students 18–26 years 100 CZK
seniors (65+ years) 100 CZK
season pass (6 single entries) 800 CZK
season pass (12 single entries) 1400 CZK

* Admission for children and youth is free to all exhibits and exhibitions of the museum. Does not apply to events organized by NZM.

We tell the story of our agriculture. The story of everything between the soil and your plate. The story of one of the most significant inventions of humankind.

We are a museum for the whole family. We tell stories in a way that children will also understand.

We offer a unique perspective on agriculture and everything related to it.


Address Kostelní 44, 170 00 Praha 7
Phone +420 720 949 282
Where to find us

Národní zemědělské muzeum
Kostelní 44
170 00 Praha 7

tram 1, 8, 12, 25, 26 > tram stop Letenské náměstí


paid parking infront of the entrance to the museum (Kostelní street)

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