The exhibition shows us the history of gamekeeping, the duties and privileges of the position of a gamekeeper, the course of a gamekeeper’s year and other information on the field. We tell the story of gamekeeping in a traditional form (you will find showcases with carefully selected collection items), as well as using virtual effects, which allow you to become involved in the “plot” and mechanical elements which allow people to control them.

A mysterious world of all kinds of sensory perception combines the impression of reality and fairy tales. In the layers of the forest, you can encounter wood animals and follow their tracks. In the next part, you can test your own reactions and abilities in the role of a gamekeeper and allow yourself to be carried away by the reaction of nature, game animals and people to a transformation of natural conditions.

You will find the Gamekeeping exhibition on the first floor of the Prague building of the National Agricultural Museum, which is dedicated to natural resources. On the same floor, you can also visit the Fishing and Forestry exhibitions.


Opening hours

1. 1. – 23. 12. Út–Ne 9:00–17:00
27. 12. – 30. 12. Út–Ne 9:00–17:00

View the entire opening hours of the facility

Entrance fees

dospělí 200 Kč
děti a mládež do 18 let, středoškoláci nad 18 let v rámci školních skupin Vstup pro děti a mládež zdarma platí do všech expozic a výstav muzea. Neplatí na akce pořádané NZM. Zdarma
studenti 18–26 let 100 Kč
senioři od 65 let 100 Kč
permanentka 6 jednorázových vstupů platnost 365 dní od zakoupení, přenosná, jednorázový vstup pro jednoho platícího návštěvníka v jednom dni 800 Kč
permanentka 12 jednorázových vstupů platnost 365 dní od zakoupení, přenosná, jednorázový vstup pro jednoho platícího návštěvníka v jednom dni 1400 Kč
zájmové skupiny nad 10 osob starších 18 let (cena za osobu) cena za osobu 100 Kč

* Admission for children and youth is free to all exhibits and exhibitions of the museum. Does not apply to events organized by NZM.

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