The Ways of Food - Programme

Food preparation, serving and dining – these are the main themes of the international professional conference The Ways of Food. The programme will also include a reconstruction of a 19th century feast (participation in the feast is for a fee) or a demonstration of the production of historical sorbets and ice creams. 

The Ways of Food - Programme

9:00–9:30 Curated Tour of the Chateau Exhibition

9:30–10:00 Registration  

10:00–11:30 Opening session | The Reconstruction and The Interpretation of Historic Dining and Table Setting | Food as a Tool of The Communication  

  • Welcoming
    • Zdeněk Novák | The National Museum of Agriculture, Director General
    • Milan Svoboda | Charles University
  • The Ways of Food – Food on The Move in Large Historic English Houses
    • Ivan Day | UK
  • Food as a Tool of The Communication of The Nobility
    • Irena Korbelářová | The Silesian University in Opava  

11:30–12:30 Curated Interpretation of the Recreation of the Feasting Table in Chateau Dining Room

  • Eva Löw, Libuše Ruizová | The National Heritage Institute
  • Milan Svoboda | Charles University  

12:30–14:30 The Ways of Food | Food as a Symbol

The Early Modern Feasting Table of The Nobility

  • Josef Hrdlička | The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

The Food Passage of The Kačina Estate

  • Pavel Novák | The National Museum of Agriculture

The Chotek Family Menu Books - The Unique Source for Noble Gastronomy Interpretation

  • Vítězslav Ivičič

The Link of Historic Interior and Dining

  • Eva Lukášová | The National Heritage Institute  

14:30–15:30 Coffee Break

Historical Ices – curated demonstration and tasting

  • Milan Svoboda | Charles University

15:30–16:30 Historic Dining – Experiences and Its Limits

Discussion with Ivan Day led by Milan Svoboda  

16:30 The Conclusion

17:30–20:00 Buffet Dinner

(fee-based part of the programme only after prior registration)

The Concert at The Chateau Theatre

Recreation of Buffet Dinner Inspired by the Chotek Menu Books and Its Interpretation 


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The Ways of Food – conference programme

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